, pub-4358400797418858, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TUTTOPROF. Inglese: Futuro con Be going to e Present Continuous, esercizi

Futuro con Be going to e Present Continuous, esercizi


In inglese ci sono molti modi per esprimere il tempo futuro. Uno dei più comuni è il Futuro Intenzionalecon la costruzione to be going to

Per creare una forma verbale con to be going to, è necessario mettere il Simple Present del verbo to be nella voce corretta e poi aggiungere going to + la forma base del verbo.

Nota anche che be viene spesso abbreviato. Le tabelle che seguono elencano le forme principali del verbo to leave


SoggettoSimple Present to begoing toForma BaseEsempio
Iamgoing toleaveI'm going to leave
Youaregoing toleaveYou're going to leave
Heisgoing toleaveHe's going to leave
Sheisgoing toleaveShe's going to leave
Itisgoing toleaveIt's going to leave
Wearegoing toleaveWe're going to leave
Youaregoing toleaveYou're going to leave
Theyaregoing toleaveThey're going to leave


La forma negativa si ottiene semplicemente aggiungendo il not al verbo essere
SoggettoSimple Present to be+notgoing toForma BaseEsempio
Iam notgoing toleaveI'm not going to leave
Youaren'tgoing toleaveYou aren't going to leave
You're not going to leave
Heisn'tgoing toleaveHe isn't going to leave
He's not going to leave
Sheisn'tgoing toleaveShe isn't going to leave
She's not going to leave
Itisn'tgoing toleaveIt isn't going to leave
It's not going to leave
Wearen'tgoing toleaveWe aren't going to leave
We're not going to leave
Youaren'tgoing toleaveYou aren't going to leave
You're not going to leave
Theyaren'tgoing toleaveThey aren't going to leave
They're not going to leave

Nota che si può contrarre il verbo essere con il soggetto o con il not


La forma interrogativa si ottiene con il verbo essere davanti al soggetto, cui segue poi going to + la forma base del verbo.

Simple Present to beSoggettogoing toForma BaseEsempio
AmIgoing toleaveAm I going to leave?
Areyougoing toleaveAre you going to leave?
Ishegoing toleaveIs he going to leave?
Isshegoing toleaveIs she going to leave?
Isitgoing toleaveIs it going to leave?
Arewegoing toleaveAre we going to leave?
Areyougoing toleaveAre you going to leave?
Aretheygoing toleaveAre they going to leave?


La forma interrogativa-negativa si ottiene con la forma negativa del verbo essere davanti al soggetto, cui segue poi going to + la forma base del verbo.
Nota che con la prima persona singolare il not si pone dopo il soggetto

Simple Present to be+notSoggettogoing toForma BaseEsempio
AmI   notgoing toleaveAm I not going to leave?
Aren'tyougoing toleaveAren't you going to leave?
Isn'thegoing toleaveIsn't he going to leave?
Isn'tshegoing toleaveIsn't she going to leave?
isn'titgoing toleaveIsn't it going to leave?
Aren'twegoing toleaveAren't we going to leave?
Aren'tyougoing toleaveAren't you going to leave?
Aren'ttheygoing toleaveAren't they going to leave?

Be going to

Esercizio 1

 Be going to vs present continuous