, pub-4358400797418858, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TUTTOPROF. Inglese: ottobre 2014

10 Scientific Games in English

  1. The Blood Typing Game
  2. The DNA -the Double Helix Game
  3. The ImmuneSystem Game
  4. TheControl of the Cell Cycle Game
  5. ThePavlov's Dog Game
  6. TheElectrocardiogram Game
  7. TheTransistor
  8. TheDiabetic Dog Game
  9. The SplitBrain Experiments Game
  10. The Lordof the Flies Game

130 English Grammar Exercises

Irregular Verbs:
Present Simple Form (with the verb 'be'):
Present Simple Form (with all verbs except 'be'):
Present Continuous Form:
Present Simple or Present Continuous?
Present Perfect Simple Form:
Past Simple or Present Perfect?
Present Perfect Continuous Form:
Present Perfect Simple or Continuous?
Past Simple Form (with the verb 'be'):
Past Simple Form (with all verbs except 'be'):
Past Continuous Form:
Past Simple or Past Continuous?
Past Perfect Simple Form:
Past Perfect or Past Simple?
Past Perfect Continuous Form:
Future Simple Form:
Future Simple or Present Simple?
Future Continuous (or Future Progressive) Form:
Future Perfect Simple Form:
Reported Speech:
The Passive:
Relative Clauses:
Modal Verbs
Gerunds and Infinitives:
Let and Make:
Make and Do:
Used to Do, Would Do, and Be Used to Doing:

Women's Types Of Shoes Encyclopedia

Discover the anagram of an English word

insert an anagrammatized word and the application will tell you from which the English word is derived

Test d'Esame ESL, 9 livelli dall'Elementary (A1) al Proficiency (C2) gratis

Selezione di test d’esame di ESL per aiutarvi a praticare il Cambridge e altri esami di inglese. Ogni esame è in un file PDF che potete scaricare e stampare. Le risposte corrette per ogni testo d'esame sono fornite anche in un file PDF che potete scaricare e stampare, in modo da poter testare la vostra performance.