, pub-4358400797418858, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TUTTOPROF. Inglese: Answers to questions about Sebastião Salgado, a Giant of Photography

Answers to questions about Sebastião Salgado, a Giant of Photography

Here are the answers to the questions about Sebastião Salgado:

  1. Sebastião Salgado is Brazilian.
  2. Sebastião Salgado transitioned from his career in economics to photography in the 1970s.
  3. Sebastião Salgado joined the prestigious Magnum Photos agency in 1979.
  4. The title of Sebastião Salgado's iconic project focusing on the lives of laborers worldwide is "Workers" (1993).
  5. The project by Salgado that highlights the devastating effects of drought and famine in Africa is called "Sahel: The End of the Road" (1986).
  6. Salgado's book "Genesis" was published in 2013.
  7. Sebastião Salgado and his wife founded the organization called Instituto Terra to restore the Atlantic Forest in Brazil.
  8. Sebastião Salgado has received several awards and recognitions for his photography, including the W. Eugene Smith Memorial Fund Grant, the Hasselblad Foundation International Award in Photography, and the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade.
  9. The predominant style or approach used by Salgado in his photography is black and white, which he believes enhances the storytelling aspect of his images.
  10. Sebastião Salgado's work contributes to raising awareness about social and environmental issues by providing a compassionate and thought-provoking look into the lives of marginalized people and the impact of environmental degradation.