Tuttoprof. Inglese: blog rivolto agli Insegnanti di Inglese, di ogni ordine e grado, per condividere materiali, idee, esperienze riguardanti la loro disciplina
In an attempt to take some of the pain out of learning the kind of clear English pronunciation that prevents communication problems, I have here devised a set of memorable sentences as practice drills. The full range of English sounds is gone through systematically and spoon-fed in a form overseas students will want to repeat to themselves and then to the world. They might think it's just a form of entertainment, but before they know it they'll be speaking like a native!
Start by creating a new folder
with a simple name like "Pronunciation" or "Drills".
Right-click any MP3 you wish to
keep, select "Save target as..." or "Save link as..."
from the drop-down menu and direct the download to your designated folder.
Once you're done, go back to
your new folder to confirm the downloaded files are all there.
Go up one level and right-click
the folder itself.
Select the "Play with
Windows Media Player" option from the drop-down menu, just as you
might do with a music album. (If this option is missing, you have skipped
step 3 and the PC hasn't detected any MP3s!)
With the Windows Music Player
open in full-screen format, left-click the "Now Playing" tab
followed by the small arrow underneath it to access a new drop-down
"Visualizations" select "Album Art" to display the
phonetic symbol of each sound being practised.
On your keyboard you can press
Ctrl+Shift+C to activate (or deactivate) the hidden captions feature. When
selected, the full text of each pronunciation drill will display during
playback like a movie subtitle.
“Dopo quasi un decennio all’estero (ebbene sì questo
settembre segnerà i 9 anni della mia permanenza all’estero) posso con sicurezza
elencare i dieci più comuni errori che gli italiani fanno quando tentano di
parlare l’inglese. “ Esordisce così il blogger Fabristol presentando le liste,
cresciute nel tempo, dei più frequenti errori commessi dagli italiani parlando in
inglese. Una carrellata utile e
godibilissima dei nostri difetti linguistici. Buon divertimento.
The tree is
composed of an underground part, the roots, and two aboveground parts, the
trunk and the crown.
Part of the
tree trunk extending between the stump and the first lower limbs; it has no
growing directly out of a tree trunk, subsequently dividing into branches and
The most
slender offshoot of a tree branch.
Part of the
tree above the trunk, including the branches and the foliage.
The most
slender offshoot of a tree root.
Root, often
having many offshoots, growing somewhat horizontally into the rich moist
First root
growing out of the seed that grows vertically into the soil; it usually has few
offshoots, its main function being to anchor the tree in the ground.
Offshoot of
one of the tree’s limbs.
Apex of the
tree’s crown.
aggregate of larger and smaller branches that provide support for the tree’s
leaves, flowers and fruit.
aggregate of the leaves on a tree; it is especially adapted to capture light
and perform photosynthesis.
Part of the
radicle covered in small absorbent hairs that ensure the tree is supplied with
mineral salts and water.
section of a trunk
Moving from
the center to the periphery there are six parts: the pith, the heartwood, the
sapwood, the cambium, the phloem and the bark.
dark-colored wood layer made of dead sapwood; it encircles the pith and
supports the trunk and branches.
part of the trunk, composed of soft tissue that contains nutrients essential
for sapling growth.
external protective layer; its texture and color vary depending on the species.
located immediately below the bark, whose main function is to transport sap
transformed by photosynthesis from the leaves throughout the rest of the tree.
tissue that simultaneously produces the external phloem and the internal
sapwood, thereby enabling the tree to increase in diameter.
new layer of wood that is generally pale in color; it transports raw sap,
composed of water and nutrient minerals, from the roots to the leaves.
annual ring
Each of the
concentric circles representing the layer of wood produced in one year; the age
of the tree can be determined by the number of rings.
wood ray
connecting the pith to the core and circulating nutrients horizontally within
the trunk.
Attività anomala ma molto utile per esercitare la Reading Comprehension. I video di 38 tra le più belle canzoni italiane corredate con i testi paralleli sia in italiano che in inglese.
Wayside School è una serie televisiva, rivolta ai bambini, ambientata in una scuola. Sono 45 cartoni animati in inglese comprensibili, caratteristisca spesso rara nei cartoons. La durata dei video è mediamente di 10 minuti, lunghezza giusta per scopi didattici rivolti alla listening comprehension. Per vedere in sequenza i video clicca qui sotto. Per scegliere il video vai alla Playlist