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Answers to questions about Dorothea Lange, a Giant of Photography

 Here are the answers to the ten questions about Dorothea Lange:

  1. Dorothea Lange was born on May 26, 1895, in Hoboken, New Jersey.
  2. Dorothea Lange primarily documented the Great Depression through her photography.
  3. Dorothea Lange worked for the Farm Security Administration (FSA) during the Great Depression.
  4. Dorothea Lange's most famous photograph is "Migrant Mother," and the subject of the photograph is Florence Owens Thompson.
  5. In addition to her photographs of the Great Depression, Dorothea Lange also documented various subjects such as migrant workers, sharecroppers, and social issues.
  6. Dorothea Lange's photography during the internment of Japanese Americans in World War II highlighted the injustice and hardship faced by these individuals, contributing to raising awareness and challenging public perceptions.
  7. Dorothea Lange's approach to photography was characterized by qualities such as empathy, compassion, and a focus on the human condition and social issues.
  8. Dorothea Lange co-founded the photography agency Aperture.
  9. Dorothea Lange received numerous awards and honors for her contributions to photography, including the Guggenheim Fellowship and the National Medal of Arts.
  10. Dorothea Lange passed away on October 11, 1965. Her lasting legacy in the world of photography is her powerful and influential body of work, which continues to inspire and shed light on social issues and the human experience.

Dorothea Lange a Giant of Photography, English comprehension exercise

 Dorothea Lange (1895-1965) was an influential American documentary photographer and photojournalist. She is best known for her iconic photographs depicting the struggles and resilience of the American people during the Great Depression.

Born on May 26, 1895, in Hoboken, New Jersey, Lange developed a passion for photography early in her life. She studied photography in New York City and later moved to San Francisco, where she opened her own portrait studio in 1918. Lange gained recognition for her sensitive and insightful portraits, which captured the essence of her subjects.

Lange's career took a significant turn in the 1930s when she began working for the Farm Security Administration (FSA), a government agency tasked with documenting the effects of the Great Depression on rural America. Her photographs from this period became some of the most recognizable and powerful images of the era.

Her most famous photograph, "Migrant Mother," taken in 1936, depicts Florence Owens Thompson, a distressed mother of seven children, and has come to symbolize the hardships faced by many during the Great Depression. The image captured the attention of the public and became an enduring representation of the era's struggles.

Lange's photography focused on the human condition and social issues. She documented the lives of migrant workers, sharecroppers, displaced families, and others affected by poverty and social injustice. Her compassionate and empathetic approach allowed her to connect with her subjects and convey their stories through her photographs.

After the Great Depression, Lange continued her work as a photojournalist, covering various social and political issues. During World War II, she photographed the internment of Japanese Americans, highlighting the injustice and hardship faced by these individuals. Her images contributed to raising awareness and challenging public perceptions about these events.

Throughout her career, Lange received numerous awards and honors for her contributions to photography and social documentary. She co-founded the photography agency Aperture and continued to teach and lecture on photography until her death on October 11, 1965.

Dorothea Lange's photographs continue to resonate with audiences today, serving as a visual record of a significant period in American history and reminding us of the power of photography to tell compelling stories and inspire social change.

10 questions about Dorothea Lange:

  1. When and where was Dorothea Lange born?
  2. Which historical period did Dorothea Lange primarily document through her photography?
  3. What government agency did Dorothea Lange work for during the Great Depression?
  4. What is Dorothea Lange's most famous photograph and who is the subject of that photograph?
  5. Apart from her photographs of the Great Depression, what other subject matter did Dorothea Lange document in her work?
  6. What was the significance of Dorothea Lange's photography during the internment of Japanese Americans in World War II?
  7. Dorothea Lange's approach to photography was often characterized by what qualities?
  8. Which photography agency did Dorothea Lange co-found?
  9. What were some of the awards and honors Dorothea Lange received for her contributions to photography?
  10. When did Dorothea Lange pass away and what is her lasting legacy in the world of photography?

Man Ray a Giant of Photography, English comprehension exercise

  Man Ray (1890-1976) was an American visual artist and photographer who played a significant role in the Dada and Surrealist movements. He is renowned for his avant-garde and experimental approach to art, incorporating various mediums such as photography, painting, sculpture, and film.

Born as Emmanuel Radnitzky on August 27, 1890, in Philadelphia, Man Ray began his artistic career as a painter. In the early 1910s, he moved to New York City and became associated with the avant-garde art scene. He soon embraced photography as his primary medium, exploring its creative possibilities beyond conventional representations.

Man Ray is known for his groundbreaking contributions to photography, particularly his exploration of unconventional techniques. He was a pioneer of the "Rayographs" or "photograms," a process that involved placing objects directly onto photographic paper and exposing them to light. This technique allowed him to create abstract and dreamlike images without the use of a camera. His Rayographs often featured everyday objects, creating a juxtaposition between the ordinary and the mysterious.

During the 1920s, Man Ray moved to Paris, where he became an active participant in the Dada and Surrealist movements. He collaborated with other influential artists of the time, including Marcel Duchamp, Jean Arp, and Salvador Dalí. His work from this period merged elements of chance, playfulness, and conceptual exploration.

Man Ray's photography was characterized by its innovative use of lighting, composition, and manipulation of images. He experimented with solarization, a technique that involved briefly exposing the photographic paper to light during the development process, resulting in distorted and surreal effects. He also explored double exposure and photomontage, creating complex and layered compositions.

In addition to his photography, Man Ray produced sculptures, objects, and installations that often incorporated found objects and everyday materials. He also worked in the realm of fashion and commercial photography, collaborating with fashion designers and publications. His artistic versatility and willingness to push the boundaries of different mediums made him a significant figure in the art world.

Man Ray's career spanned several decades, and he continued to produce art and engage in various creative endeavors until his death on November 18, 1976, in Paris. His work continues to be celebrated and exhibited worldwide, influencing generations of artists and photographers with his innovative and imaginative approach to art and photography.


  1. What were the key artistic movements with which Man Ray was associated?
  2. What were some of the unconventional techniques that Man Ray pioneered in photography?
  3. How did Man Ray's Rayographs or photograms differ from traditional photography?
  4. Who were some of the notable artists with whom Man Ray collaborated during his time in Paris?
  5. In addition to photography, what other artistic mediums did Man Ray explore?
  6. How did Man Ray's work reflect the principles of Dada and Surrealism?
  7. What is the significance of Man Ray's "Mona Lisa with a Moustache" artwork?
  8. How did Man Ray's commercial and fashion photography contribute to his artistic career?
  9. What were some of the themes and concepts explored in Man Ray's later works?
  10. How has Man Ray's legacy influenced the field of photography and contemporary art?

AI Pronounce Coach: Affina la tua pronuncia in inglese con l'assistenza dell'Intelligenza Artificiale

 Yoodli è un sito web gratuito che utilizza l'Intelligenza Artificiale per aiutare gli utenti a migliorare le loro competenze linguistiche in inglese, concentrandosi in particolare sul parlato.

 Gli utenti possono scegliere il contesto in cui desiderano sviluppare una corretta pronuncia, come un colloquio di lavoro o una presentazione, e registrarsi in audio e video.

 Durante la registrazione, Yoodli fornisce suggerimenti e feedback sulle prestazioni degli utenti. Inoltre, viene fornita una trascrizione di ciò che è stato detto, insieme a due tipi di feedback critico: uno semplice e uno più dettagliato. 

È possibile integrare Yoodli anche durante le videoconferenze con Zoom per ottenere feedback privati in tempo reale. L'obiettivo di Yoodli è aiutare gli utenti a migliorare la loro competenza di speaking in inglese attraverso l'uso dell'Intelligenza Artificiale.

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Imparare le lingue con Tandem GPT: Un'esperienza di apprendimento intelligente e coinvolgente

 Tandem GPT è un'applicazione che utilizza il modello di apprendimento automatico GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) per l'apprendimento delle lingue.

GPT è un modello di intelligenza artificiale basato su reti neurali trasformative pre-addestrate che possono generare testo coerente e di alta qualità. GPT è stato ampiamente utilizzato per una varietà di compiti legati al linguaggio naturale, come la generazione di testi, la traduzione, la comprensione del linguaggio, il completamento automatico e molto altro.

L'idea di utilizzare GPT per l'apprendimento delle lingue implica l'utilizzo del modello per aiutare gli utenti a imparare nuove lingue o a migliorare le loro competenze linguistiche.

Può essere utilizzato per l’esercitarzione in diverse lingueinglese, italiano, spagnolo, tedesco, francese, olandese, russo, portoghese, greco ed esperanto dialogando come se si chattasse con una persona reale.

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L'inglese e il suo rigoroso ordine delle parole

 L'inglese è noto per avere un ordine delle parole relativamente rigoroso rispetto ad altre lingue, come ad esempio l'italiano. Tuttavia, è importante notare che l'inglese è una lingua flessibile e può adattarsi a variazioni nell'ordine delle parole a seconda del contesto e dell'accento.

In generale, l'ordine delle parole in una frase inglese segue il modello soggetto-verbo-oggetto (SVO). Ad esempio, nella frase "He eats an apple" (Lui mangia una mela), "he" è il soggetto, "eats" è il verbo e "an apple" è l'oggetto. Questo ordine delle parole è molto comune nelle frasi affermative in inglese.

Tuttavia, ci sono alcune eccezioni a questa regola. Ad esempio, nelle frasi interrogative, l'ordine delle parole è spesso invertito mettendo il verbo all'inizio della frase. Ad esempio, la frase "Does he eat an apple?" (Mangia lui una mela?) ha l'ordine delle parole verbo-soggetto-oggetto.

Inoltre, l'inglese permette anche l'uso di frasi con ordine delle parole più flessibile per mettere l'accento su particolari elementi. Ad esempio, nella frase "An apple he eats" (Una mela lui mangia), l'ordine delle parole è invertito per mettere l'accento sull'oggetto.

È importante notare che ci sono molte altre regole e eccezioni nell'ordine delle parole in inglese, e l'uso corretto dipende dal contesto, dal tipo di frase e dalle intenzioni comunicative. Studiare la grammatica inglese e l'uso pratico della lingua può aiutare a comprendere meglio l'ordine delle parole e ad utilizzarlo in modo appropriato.

Ecco ulteriori informazioni sull'ordine delle parole in inglese.

  1. Modificatori di frase: In inglese, di solito i modificatori di frase come gli avverbi di frequenza ("always", "often", "sometimes") o di modo ("quickly", "carefully") vengono posizionati prima del verbo principale. Ad esempio, "She always sings beautifully" (Lei canta sempre splendidamente).
  2. Complementi di luogo e di tempo: Solitamente, i complementi di luogo vengono posizionati dopo il verbo principale, mentre i complementi di tempo vengono posizionati alla fine della frase. Ad esempio, "I live in Italy" (Vivo in Italia) e "She will arrive tomorrow" (Arriverà domani).
  3. Pronomi oggetto: In inglese, i pronomi oggetto come "me", "you", "him", "her", "it", "us", "them" sono generalmente posizionati dopo il verbo. Ad esempio, "She loves him" (Lei lo ama).
  4. Verbi frasali: Nei verbi frasali, che consistono in un verbo seguito da una preposizione o un avverbio, l'oggetto può essere collocato tra il verbo e la preposizione o avverbio, oppure può essere posizionato alla fine della frase. Ad esempio, "He turned off the TV" (Ha spento la TV) o "He turned the TV off".
  5. Domande indirette: Nelle domande indirette, l'ordine delle parole segue quello delle frasi dichiarative. Ad esempio, "I wonder where she went" (Mi chiedo dove sia andata).

È importante sottolineare che queste sono solo alcune delle regole generali sull'ordine delle parole in inglese e che ci sono molte eccezioni e variazioni a seconda del contesto e dello stile comunicativo. La pratica e l'esperienza nell'uso della lingua sono fondamentali per acquisire una buona padronanza dell'ordine delle parole in inglese.

Ecco alcuni esercizi per praticare l'ordine delle parole in inglese. Completa le frasi riordinando le parole nell'ordine corretto, senza guardare le risposte:

  1. coffee / usually / morning / I / drink / in / the. (Io di solito bevo caffè al mattino.)
  2. likes / She / watching / movies / romantic. (A lei piace guardare film romantici.)
  3. book / interesting / reading / I / am / a. (Sto leggendo un libro interessante.)
  4. you / Have / seen / have / my / keys? (Hai visto le mie chiavi?)
  5. usually / They / to / work / by / car / go. (Di solito vanno al lavoro in macchina.)

Ecco le risposte corrette agli esercizi sull'ordine delle parole in inglese:

  1. I usually drink coffee in the morning.
  2. She likes watching romantic movies.
  3. I am reading an interesting book.
  4. Have you seen my keys?
  5. They usually go to work by car.

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 Many Books è un sito che offre più di 150.000 libri, in varie lingue, da leggere perlopiù gratis. Ben 53.000 sono il lingua Inglese scaricabili in formato ePub, Mobi, Pdf, Azw3, Fb2, Html, Pdb, Rtf, Txt.

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40 opere di William Shakespeare da scaricare gratis

 40 opere di William Shakespeare da scaricare gratis ma è gradita una piccola donazione, dal sito di Liber Liber. Nell'elenco compaiono anche 2 audiolibri, "Sogno di una notte di mezza estate" e "La tempesta".

vai  Liber Liber