, pub-4358400797418858, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 TUTTOPROF. Inglese

Answers to questions about Irving Penn, a Giant of Photography

Here are the answers to the ten questions about Irving Penn:

  1. Irving Penn was born on June 16, 1917, in Plainfield, New Jersey.
  2. Irving Penn worked for Vogue magazine, which had a significant impact on his career.
  3. Some distinctive characteristics of Irving Penn's photography style include his minimalist approach, use of simple backdrops, and emphasis on the subject.
  4. One of Irving Penn's most famous series is "Small Trades," which featured workers from different professions in Paris, London, and New York.
  5. In addition to photography, Irving Penn explored other artistic mediums such as painting and drawing.
  6. Irving Penn collaborated extensively with renowned fashion designer, Issey Miyake.
  7. The "Corner Portraits" series by Irving Penn featured subjects photographed in a small corner space, highlighting their vulnerability and capturing their essence.
  8. Irving Penn received numerous honors and awards throughout his career, including the Prix de Photographie from the French Ministry of Culture and the Centenary Medal from the Royal Photographic Society in London.
  9. Major museums and institutions such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Museum of Modern Art in New York City have exhibited and collected Irving Penn's photographs.
  10. Irving Penn passed away on October 7, 2009. His enduring legacy in the field of photography lies in his innovative approach, iconic images, and influence on fashion and portrait photography.

Videogrammatica Inglese gratuita

Questa Videogrammatica Inglese propone un'ampia gamma di argomenti grammaticali fondamentali per lo studio della lingua inglese, offerti gratis online per un utilizzo multimediale tramite le nuove tecnologie. 
La suddivisione in unità degli argomenti risponde alle esigenze di una struttura dei contenuti secondo il modello di una risorsa condivisibile, riutilizzabile, modulare, flessibile, adattabile al percorso formativo più idoneo al singolo utente. 

In ogni unità si trovano:
- il video che spiega la lezione affrontata
- la trattazione scritta sintetica dell'argomento grammaticale
- i file audio da scaricare in formato mp3 o da ascoltare tramite il Player
- un Laboratorio interattivo dove sono proposti 5 esercizi con feedback immediato per verificare la comprensione dell'argomento.
 Per ampliare l'offerta didattica, ci sono 78 Videopillole di Inglese, le Videolezioni, i VideoApprofondimenti e le Communities dove esercitarsi con attività multimediali interattive e aggiornasi sulle nuove produzioni. 

64 dialoghi animati, in Inglese

64 situazioni reali nelle quali è coinvolta Hana, la protagonista. Dialoghi semplici e meno semplici arricchiti da disegni accattivanti che creano pochi ma piacevoli sketch tra i quali si sviluppa la storia.
Sicuramente una risorsa didattica da provare.

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35 Figures of Speech (Stylistic Devices) in English

What are stylistic devices?
In literature and writing, a figure of speech (also called stylistic device or rhetorical device) is the use of any of a variety of techniques to give an auxiliary meaning, idea, or feeling.

Sometimes a word diverges from its normal meaning, or a phrase has a specialized meaning not based on the literal meaning of the words in it. 
Examples are metaphor, simile, or personification. Stylistic devices often provide emphasis, freshness of expression, or clarity. Here is a list of some of the most important figures of speech, click the words to check the meaning and examples:

Stylistic Devices
1.       Accumulation
2.       Adjunction
3.       Adnomination
4.       Alliteration
5.       Allusion
6.       Anaphora
7.       Antanaclasis
8.       Anticlimax
9.       Antiphrasis
10.   Antithesis
11.   Apostrophe
12.   Assonance
13.   Cataphora
14.   Chiasmus
15.   Climax
16.   Dysphemism
17.   Ellipsis
18.   Euphemism
19.   Epigram
21.   Hyperbole
22.   Hypophora
23.   Irony
24.   Lilotes
25.   Oxymoron
27.   Puns
28.   Merism
29.   Metalepsis
30.   Metaphor
31.   Metonymy
32.   Simile
33.   Syncdoche
34.   Tautology