1) English for Journalists - a 20-hour course from our LearnEnglish Professionals site http://www.britishcouncil.org/professionals-specialisms-journalism-intro.htm
2) Journalism & Journalistic Writing -https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/735/01/
3) BBC English for Journalists -http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/specials/2009/03/090316_specials_cojo.shtml
4) Style guides - The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/styleguide
fonte: britishcouncil.org
19 video per imparare a Descrivere un Quadro in Inglese
Learn how to describe a picture in English. You will find how to name the parts of a picture, how to explain what you can see, what is happening, and many examples of picture description.
2300 video utili per l'insegnamento dell'Inglese
Una enorme raccolta di video, visibili direttamente sul sito o scaricabili, utili per l'insegnamento dell'Inglese. Hanno una durata giusta, sono visibili a schermo intero, riguardano moltissimi argomenti particolarmente cari ai ragazzi e soprattutto sono visibili in diretta sulla LIM collegata ad un PC con connessione internet. Altrimenti, scaricandoli, salvati su una pen drive,
LIM: le migliori risorse educative in Inglese, divise per materia e fascia d'età
Topmarks è un sito in Inglese che contiene una collezione eccezionale di materiale didattico gratuito per la LIM. Nel sito sono presenti anche risorse didattiche per l'insegnante, siti educativi per la classe e supporto per i compiti a casa. Tutte le risorse funzionano bene su lavagne interattive in classe.
Per iniziare a scegliere un soggetto, poi una fascia di età dal menu a sinistra. Le risorse sono organizzate per argomento, gruppo di età e categoria per renderli facile da trovare.
Per iniziare a scegliere un soggetto, poi una fascia di età dal menu a sinistra. Le risorse sono organizzate per argomento, gruppo di età e categoria per renderli facile da trovare.
50 suggerimenti per Insegnanti stanchi
Cerchiamo di essere onesti, ci sono giorni in cui un insegnante si sente "sopraffatto". Forse da troppe classi per troppi giorni, forse a causa dei cambiamenti di programmazione, forse a causa di una malattia o dello stress. E 'un dato di fatto, tutti gli insegnanti si stancano e hanno bisogno di un aiuto utilizzando qualche strumento da affiancare all’insegnamento. Basta un qualcosa che magari per soli 40 minuti possa impegnare gli alunni e lui possa riprendere fiato.
L’elenco di seguito è stato progettato per offrire agli insegnanti stanchi "lezioni istantanee". Molti ma non tutti di essi richiedono un computer e lo schermo in classe o una comune lavagna. Tutti offrono un apprendimento agli studenti immediato e senza preparazione per gli insegnanti. Si raccomanda agli insegnanti solo di sedersi, magari bere un caffè e lasciare che gli studenti controllino da soli l'attività di apprendimento. Meglio nominando uno studente a guidare la classe. Provare per credere.
1. Guess The Celebrity Akinator. He’s the smartest guy around. The class chooses a celebrity and then Akinator will guess it as quick as possible by asking questions.
2. Pictionary: Draw My Thing. A real time game played against real opponents. Hours of fun which I can bet you your students will also play at home! Go here.
3. The Discussion Generator. Put students in pairs or two teams. They ask each other the questions for their side. Go here.
4. Pass The Paper. Makes for a very loud and active class as they pass the paper and try to avoid being the one to respond when the music stops. Try one. Go here.
6. Prediction. Simply use a video or story and stop it from time to time. Ask students what will happen next. The Eyebrow Story. Go here.
7. Chat With Alice our entertaining “bot”. She gives real time answers when you talk to her. Students don’t even have to type – just use the drop down boxes. Go here.
9. State Your Opinion. Play the presentation and get students to respond instantly to the prompt. Pause and debate the second time around. Go here.
10. Flashcard Fun. Quizlet. Hundreds on any topic. Print out and use in class or send students to the flashcard page online to practice and play the games about the vocab.
11. I Can See. A simple describe and draw activity that you can do instantly with any level of class. Just draw on the board with students and label the drawing. Go here.
12. What The Wordle. Created with “Wordle” an attractive visual language application – students do exercises and learn language. Go here.
13. Try an Instructional Powerpoint. Use these powerpoints to practice all sorts of language and support your teaching. Go here.
14. Amazing True Stories. Intensive reading materials at their best. Read and then complete the exercises. Go here.
15. The Language Lab. Leveled activities practicing everything about language.
16. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. The classic game – can they answer the questions and win $1 million? Go here.
17. Finish It Off. Students get a random prompt to finish off a sentence. Strong practice of language form and accuracy. Go here.
18. Tell Us About. Students get a random prompt to tell others about themselves.
19. Tarheel Readers. These teacher and student produced picture books are wonderful. They are repetitive and basic, really providing strong language learning material. Go here.
20. Try a Listening Quiz. A perfect way to get students some practice time with their listening skills. - Go here.
21. Storyline. Listen to an authentic story read by a celebrity. Really helps students to listen to this kind of authentic narrative driven language. Go here.
22. Grammar Ninja. Challenge your students to be a grammar Ninja. A great way to review “metalanguage” – terms used to talk about language. Go here.
23. Question Spinner. A powerpoint that you spin and then students in the group have to ask a question to classmates starting with the question word selected. Lots of talking and hours of discussion. Go here.
24. What’s In The Bag? A classic game where students guess after getting hints. Lots of fun. Go here.
25. Review Basic Vocabulary. Just use some of these pictures to get students making sentences and practicing basic vocabulary. Go here.
26. Play “non-violent” Hangman – Lucky Spin. This game uses phrases and money to motivate students to play this classic spelling game. Go here.
27. Play and practice numbers with Deal or No Deal. Divide the class into 2 and each plays the part of the banker. The team with the most money after a full round wins. Go here.
28. Who Is Speaking? A game where students guess who is speaking based on facial characteristics and accent. Excellent for exploring stereotypes and getting students exposed to different English accents. Go here.
29. Listen and enjoy Dr. Quinn’s advice on voicethread. Authentic language input and loads of fun. After, get students to do their own voicethread or role play being Dr. Quinn. Go here.
30. Transl8it: Guess The Pop Song. Students “decode” the pop song into the original English and then guess what the song is and who sung it. Play and sing after each song. Go here.
31. Alphabet Organizing. Chose a theme (jobs, family, animals etc…) and challenge students in groups to fill in as many related words in the alphabet boxes as possible.
32. Best Photos Of All Time. Inspire your students and get them talking about the issues and events surrounding these iconic photos. Go here.
33. Teach with A Top Video For Language Teaching. So many, all chosen and voted on by practicing teachers like yourself! Go here.
34. Tell a story using Flickr Poet. Type in the vocabulary and you’ll get images to support the words. Then challenge students in groups to tell the story. Can be very funny and loud! Go here.
35. Lily: A Geography genius. Put a map on the board and challenge a student to find the countries faster or as well as Lily. Go here.
36. Optical Illusions. Get students discussing and talking/explaning what is happening with these classic illusions. Go here.
37, Lessons In A Can: Mr. X . EFL 2.0 Supporters get hundreds of these lessons, just like this one which is free. Instant “teacher food”. Go here.
38. Youtube Ad Free. Youtube has so much clutter and a lot of inappropriate stuff on the page. Use this player to search and get some great videos to share. Go here.
40. Pink Panther Verbs. A very popular way to learn basic verbs. With flashcards and games for the video. Go here.
41. Play The Wheel Of Forture. Play with groups taking turns. A classic that always works when tired. Go here.
42. Discuss it. EnglishCentral Videos. Loads of interesting “debate” style videos with discussion questions and quizzes. Students can speak the videos after for homework. Go here.
43. Prepare a speech. This easy template students can use to make a speech in 3 simple steps. Then practice and deliver to the class! Go here.
44. Play A Goal Game. Students tell the teacher where to go, what to do so they can solve the puzzle or escape. Most have “walkthrough” answers you can read with students. Go here.
45. Big: The Movie. Watching movies can be boring but not with this one! Also get resources for teaching each scene.. Go here.
46. Read National Geographic Readers. Great Content Based material that is super interesting to all students. Go here.
47. VOA Special English. With subtitles and instant exercises, these “evergreen” news videos are excellent language learning material and for discussions. Go here.
48. Funny Stories. Loads of laughter. Give a story/joke to each student and have them read then share it. Go here.
49. The Best Second Language Singers. Listen to and then practice songs by the world’s best. Very inspiring to all second language students. Go here.
50. First Word War. Students have to try and “spit out” a word that comes to mind when prompted with a word. Loads of fun and gets the brain on English autopilot.
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