Beat the clock apostrophes gameCan you fix the apostrophes in time?
Blown away gameCan you blow away the out-of-place punctuation?
Building words gameCan you build the words from their letters?
Casualty challenge doctor gameCasualty challenge doctor game
Casualty challenge nurse gameCasualty challenge nurse game
Casualty challenge paramedic gameCasualty challenge paramedic game
Confusing words crossword game 1Can you complete the crossword of tricky words?
Confusing words crossword game 2Can you complete the crossword of tricky words?
Delivery driver gameDelivery driver game
Destination impossible instructions gameDestination impossible instructions game
Dictionary design gameCan you design a dictionary?
Double negatives gameClick on the image above to play the game.
Form finder gameCan you find the place on the form?
Going to work with commas gameCan you spot the right place for the commas?
Homophones gameCan you match the words that sound the same, but are spelt differently and have different meanings? Eg: pair,and pear.
Is this a compound sentence gameCan you spot the compound sentence
54 Grammar Games
10 Scientific Games in English
130 English Grammar Exercises
Irregular Verbs:
- Irregular Past Simple, Part 1
- Irregular Past Simple, Part 2
- Irregular Past Participle, Part 1
- Irregular Past Participle, Part 2
Simple Form (with the verb 'be'):
- Present Simple Positive with 'be'
- Present Simple Negative with 'be'
- Present Simple Yes / No
Questions with 'be'
- Present Simple 'Wh' Questions
with 'be'
- Present Simple Mixed Exercise 1
with 'be'
- Present Simple Mixed Exercise 2
with 'be'
Simple Form (with all verbs except 'be'):
- Present Simple Positive 1
- Present Simple Positive 2
- Present Simple Negative 1
- Present Simple Negative 2
- Present Simple Yes / No Questions
- Present Simple 'Wh' Questions
- Present Simple Mixed Forms 1
- Present Simple Mixed Forms 2
- Present Simple Mixed Forms 3
Present Continuous Form:
- Present Continuous Positive and
Negative 1
- Present Continuous Positive and
Negative 2
- Present Continuous 'Wh' and
'Yes / No' Questions 1
- Present Continuous 'Wh' and
'Yes / No' Questions 2
- Present Continuous Mixed Exercise 1
- Present Continuous Mixed Exercise 2
- Present Continuous Mixed Exercise 3
Simple or Present Continuous?
- Choose the Present Simple or
Present Continuous Exercise 1
- Choose the Present Simple or
Present Continuous Exercise 2
- Choose the Present Simple or
Present Continuous Exercise 3
Present Perfect Simple Form:
- Present Perfect Positive
- Present Perfect Negative
- Present Perfect Questions
- Present Perfect All Forms Mixed
Exercise 1
- Present Perfect All Forms Mixed
Exercise 2
Simple or Present Perfect?
- Choose the Past Simple or
Present Perfect Exercise 1
- Choose the Past Simple or
Present Perfect Exercise 2
- Choose the Past Simple or
Present Perfect Exercise 3
- Choose the Past Simple or
Present Perfect Exercise 4
Present Perfect Continuous Form:
Perfect Simple or Continuous?
- Choose the Present Perfect
Simple or Continuous 1
- Choose the Present Perfect
Simple or Continuous 2
- Choose the Present Perfect
Simple or Continuous 3
Simple Form (with the verb 'be'):
- Past Simple Positive and
Negative with 'be'
- Past Simple Questions with 'be'
- Past Simple All Forms with 'be'
Mixed Exercise
Simple Form (with all verbs except 'be'):
- Past Simple Positive Irregular
Verbs (exercise 1)
- Past Simple Positive Irregular
Verbs (exercise 2)
- Past Simple Negative
- Past Simple 'Yes / No' Questions
- Past Simple 'Wh' Questions
- Past Simple All Forms Mixed
Exercise 1
- Past Simple All Forms Mixed
Exercise 2
- Past Simple All Forms Mixed
Exercise 3
- Past Simple All Forms Mixed
Exercise 4
Past Continuous Form:
- Past Continuous Positive and Negative
- Past Continuous Questions
- Past Continuous Mixed Exercise 1
- Past Continuous Mixed Exercise 2
Simple or Past Continuous?
Past Perfect Simple Form:
Perfect or Past Simple?
Past Perfect Continuous Form:
Future Simple Form:
Simple or Present Simple?
Continuous (or Future Progressive) Form:
Future Perfect Simple Form:
- Future Perfect Positive
- Future Perfect Negative
- Future Perfect Questions
- Mixed Future Perfect Exercise
Reported Speech:
- Mixed Tense Reported Statements
- Present Simple Reported Statements
- Present Continuous Reported Statements
- Past Simple Reported Statements
- Present Perfect Reported Statements
- Future Simple Reported Statements
- Reported Yes/No Questions
- Reported Wh Questions
- Mixed Reported Questions
- Reported Requests and Orders
- Reported Speech Mixed Exercise 1
- Reported Speech Mixed Exercise 2
- 'Say' and 'Tell'
The Passive:
- Passive with the Present Simple
- Passive with the Past Simple
- Passive with the Present Perfect
- Passive with the Future Simple
- Passive with mixed tenses
- Passive
with verbs with two objects (PDF)
Relative Clauses:
- Defining Relative Clauses 1
- Defining Relative Clauses 2
- Defining Relative Clauses 3
- Defining Relative Clauses 4
Modal Verbs
- Modal Verbs of Ability 1
- Modal Verbs of Obligation 1
- Modal verbs of probability
exercise 1
- Modal verbs of probability
exercise 2
- Time Prepositions 1
- Time Prepositions 2
- Place Prepositions 1
- Place Prepositions 2
- Verbs + Prepositions 1
- Verbs + Prepositions 2
- Adjectives + Prepositions 1
Gerunds and Infinitives:
- Gerunds and Infinitives Exercise 1
- Gerunds and Infinitives Exercise 2
- Gerunds and Infinitives Exercise 3
- Gerunds and Infinitives Exercise 4
Let and Make:
Make and Do:
Used to
Do, Would Do, and Be Used to Doing:
- Used To Exercise 1
- Used To Exercise 2 ('used to'
or 'would')
- Used To Exercise 3 (be used to
Discover the anagram of an English word
insert an anagrammatized word and the application will tell you from which the English word is derived
Test d'Esame ESL, 9 livelli dall'Elementary (A1) al Proficiency (C2) gratis
Selezione di test d’esame di ESL per aiutarvi a praticare il
Cambridge e altri esami di inglese. Ogni esame è in un file PDF che potete
scaricare e stampare. Le risposte corrette per ogni testo d'esame sono fornite
anche in un file PDF che potete scaricare e stampare, in modo da poter testare
la vostra performance.
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