

Best Educational Websites

TED-EdConsists of an extensive video library which has collections of carefully curated videos designed through collaborations between expert educators and animators. The TED-Ed videos are a work of world's greatest educators and deliver exceptional quality. Specifically aimed at high-school students and teachers, TED-Ed has released a collection of short, animated videos on a dedicated YouTube channel. These videos are shorter than the normal TED Talks and rely more on animation to add the element of interest to them. These videos arouse curiosity in students and provoke questions which they might not otherwise attempt to ask.
Science NetLinksIs a premier K-12 Science education resource produced by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. It provides teachers, students and families with quality resources, teaching tools, interactives, podcasts, and hands-on activities for teaching and learning Science, at no cost. The activities in the lessons provided allow students to participate in guided reflections that engage them with their subjects. It also provides latest news on what’s happening in the world of Science.
CourseraPartnered with top universities and organizations around the world, Coursera provides free online courses that can be taken by anyone. Coursera classes offer lectures which are taught by world-class professors through which you can learn at your own pace, test your knowledge and strengthen concepts through interactive exercises. It allows students to be a part of a global online learning community. Courses are offered in a wide range of topics such as, Humanities, Medicine, Biology, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Computer Science and more. Is the easiest and most intelligent way to improve vocabulary. It helps students build their word power with more than 40,000 multiple choice questions and automatically adjusts the choices as it gets to know about the student’s knowledge of the English language. Teachers can use this to prepare high-school students to tackle the vocabulary in competitive exams such as SAT, PSAT, NAEP and the like, by creating vocabulary lists. It is designed to be the world’s fastest online dictionary and functions through an adaptive learning system.
Thinkfinity: In an online professional learning community which provides students access to thousands of educators and experts in curriculum enhancement along with numerous award-winning digital resources for K-12 aligned to State and Common Core standards. It has blogs, resources and best practices shared by educators to support 21st century teaching and learning and includes primary source materials, interactive activities, videos and games for K-12.