

67 celebrità Italiane descritte in Inglese

Il sito descrive 67 nostri connazionali famosi, per la maggior parte viventi, descrivendone vita e opere. La scelta spazia tra le più diverse e curiose categorie e non mancano le sorprese. Utili per la comprensione della lingua e come brani da inserire nel percorso d'esami di scuola media, inferiore e superiore

Italians have left their mark in many fields. From acting to directing, from modelling to photography, from architecture to the many, many, many artists that were born on Italian soil and graced the world with their genius. As Madonna, proud of her Italian heritage, said "Italians do it better". And "it" can really mean a lot of things. Please see more about Italian-American Celebrities The fame of many Italian celebrities has gone beyond the national borders and they are known and admired all over the world. This is our Italian celebrities sections, were you will get to know better some of the sexiest woman, most gifted atlethes, most visionary directors, most famous actors that the world ever met.