

Enti certificatori delle competenze in lingua Inglese del personale scolastico

Cambridge ESOL ,
1, Hills Road,
Cambridge, CB1 2EU, UK;
City and Guilds (Pitman)
1, Giltspur Street,
London, EC1A 9DD, UK;
Edexcel /Pearson Ltd 
190, High Holborn,
London, WC1V 78H, UK;
English Speaking Board (ESB)
9, Hattersley Court, Burscough Road,
Ormskirk L39 2AY, UK;
International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
1 Hills Road,
Cambridge, CB1 2EU, UK;
London Chamber of Commerce and Industries Examination Board (LCCIEB)
LCCIEB EDI, International House, Siskin Parkway East, Middlemarch Business Park,
Coventry, CV3 4 PE, UK;
Trinity College London (TCL)
89, Albert Embankment,
London SE1 7TP, UK;
Department of English, Faculty of Arts - University of Malta
Tal-Qroqq, Msida MSD 2080,
National Qualifications Authority of Ireland - Accreditation and Coordination 
of English Language Services; (NQAI – ACELS)
5th Floor Jervis House, Jervis Street,
Dublin 1, Irlanda;
Ascentis Anglia (